Rhode Island Feline Rescue

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Bibitte (Bebe)

Formerly known as Cecilia, Bibitte's journey to finding her forever home wasn't easy. She lost her sibling, faced illness, and moved between several homes in a short period. But Bebe's irresistible personality caught the eye of her new family, who were quick to adopt her.

Despite a complicated medical history, Bebe quickly became a beloved member of the family. She's smart, sweet, and sassy, with exceptional snuggling skills. And although she was initially provided a cozy safe room, it wasn't long before Bebe was out and about in the house.

Bebe's playful nature and acrobatic skills make her a joy to be around. She greets everyone with adorable nose rubs and plenty of cuddles. Her lightning-fast reflexes and stealthy hunting skills are a sight to behold. Introducing her to the family's 11-year-old Husky mix, Wiley, required patience, time, and plenty of treats, but they now coexist peacefully.

With her charming personality and adorable antics, Bebe has become an integral part of her new family's life. They couldn't be more thrilled to have her.