
Bogey (formerly Toothless) has been with his new family for since the beginning of November 2023 and he is thriving! His foster guardian worked tirelessly to make him more comfortable around humans, and the results are clear. Bogey is becoming increasingly affectionate and playful with each passing day. Currently, his top faves are golf balls and shoelaces, but who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Bogey's new human is a superhero in disguise. Cats can be slow to connect, but with time and patience, they'll come around and snuggle up. At first, Bogey was unsure about his new digs, but his human persisted, and now Bogey will sometimes come up to him to ask for pets! And when Bogey purrs, it's like a secret code for "I love you" that only the two of them know.
Here's to a lifelong friendship between Bogey and his superhero human!


Bibitte (Bebe)